Jan 19, 2021


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Maybe I wasn't ready for Christmas treats to be over with yet. Maybe I was craving something sweet but still nutritious. Maybe I just wanted to experiment with the random items chilling in my pantry.

Maybe it was all of the above...

I don't know about you, but I am always drawn to recipes that have very few recipes.

The fewer, the more intriguing: like, how the heck to get something to taste good with only 2-4 ingredients? The sorcery, I tell ya...

These [vegan] Turtle Bars that only require FOUR ingredients (and that's being generous, considering sea salt is one of them...) have been such a lovely treat stashed in my fridge this week.

And the added sprinkle of sea salt?! Game. Over. So good...

I've also found that just one small square has been quite filling when I've craving something sweet...

